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Collections of Iron Forging Museum

History of Iron Working

The former structure of the iron working settlement is represented by a large model of Kropa from the second half of the 19th century. Documents outline the historical foundations of ironworking in Kropa and Kamna Gorica and the development and importance of the industrial cooperative established in 1894. There are exhibits dedicated to the importance of the mining laws governing the operation of the foundations up to the end of the 18th century, especially that of Ferdinand’s mining order for Kropa and Kamna Gorica, dating from 1550.

Ethnological Collection

The ethnological collection exhibits preserved items that were used daily and were part of the lives and work of blacksmiths and their families.

Kropa and Kamna Gorica customs, such as floating small handmade boats to welcome spring and the tradition of folk carol singing, are depicted on the vignette by the Kropa painter Peter Žmitko.

Technical Collection

The technical collection features objects and models connected with the technical history of mining and ironworking. The exhibits include work equipment and products related to the manual and machine production of nails and screws in Kropa and Kamna Gorica. The museum holds a rich collection of hand forged nails from the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries.

One hundred and twenty-seven types of hand forged nails of various sizes and shapes have been documented, which were mainly used in construction and shipbuilding. Special hand-forged shoe nails for mountain footwear and nails for the needs of railways and mines, dating from the first half of the 20th century, are also on display.

Collection of Decorative Ironwork by the Master Blacksmith Joža Bertoncelj

The Iron Forging Museum holds 42 works of decorative ironwork created by the master blacksmith Joža Bertoncelj from Kropa.

His ironworking opus originates from Kropa’s tradition of ironworking; the most well-known works were created in the years from 1950 to 1956 in collaboration with the architect Boris Kobe and the Metallurgy Institute in Ljubljana.

The works preserved in the museum were donated by Bertoncelj in 1975: wrought iron shutters with intricate detail, rams’ heads, masks and dragons.

Collection of Decorative Ironwork by the Master Blacksmith Joža Bertoncelj